Is There an Easy Way to Get the Dredgen Title
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- Gold Coins
- Good Company
- Infamous
- Get Out
- Death Heals Primeval
- Machine Gun Mastery
Some of Destiny 2's titles have the ability to be gilded. A gilded title will display under your name with gold text instead of purple, also displaying how many times you've gilded the title. This system allows the most hardcore of Destiny players to show off their skill and dedication to a core playlist.
In Season of the Risen, players can gild the Dredgen, Conqueror, Flawless, Deadeye, and Unbroken titles. Out of the bunch, Dredgen is arguably the easiest title to gild. You'll need to live and breathe Gambit to complete some of these Triumphs, but most of them are focused on playtime rather than incredible feats of skill. If you've never gilded a title before, this is a good place to start.
This article is about gilding your Dredgen title, not earning the default title. If you don't own the Dredgen title, read out Dredgen title guide.
Updated June 27th, 2022, by Charles Burgar: Season of the Haunted changed one of the Triumphs tied to gilding the Dredgen title. Most Triumphs are the same as least season, requiring you to win games and get Guardian kills. This time, you'll also need to demonstrate your mastery of Machine Guns to gild this title. We've updated this guide to reflect this season's Machine Gun Mastery Triumph, providing tips on the best Machine Guns and ways to get 125 Machine Gun kills quickly.
Gold Coins

Gold Coins: Win 50 Gambit matches.
Gold Coins is one of the most time-intensive Triumphs out of the bunch. Playing 50 Gambit matches is a massive time sink, but winning 50 games can take significantly longer.
If you aren't scrambling to gild the Dredgen title, it's best to focus on other Triumphs first. Focus on increasing your Infamy rank, land Shotgun final blows, and try to complete the Good Company Triumph before you start to worry about wins.
Assuming you did these things but still need Gambit wins, here are a few tips:
- Get a fireteam together: Communicating with a pre-made team drastically improves your odds of winning.
- Invade: If you're a lone wolf, Invade! Invasions can make or break Gambit matches. Bring a good Sniper Rifle or Heavy weapon to land a few kills each Invasion.
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Good Company

Good Company: Win 10 matches where you banked the most Motes across both teams, didn't die, or dealt the most damage to all combatant types.
For clarity, the Triumph only requires that you complete one of the three conditions listed. In a Gambit match, you'll need to complete one of the three objectives:
- Bank the most Motes across both teams.
- Don't die.
- Deal the most damage to all combatants.
All three of these objectives are tough to pull off, especially if you're playing Gambit solo. The third objective, dealing the most damage to combatants, is your best bet if you're winning matches. Use a build that utilizes a good add-clearing weapon like Trinity Ghoul and a high-damage Heavy weapon, and you should be able to complete this objective every time you win a Gambit match. The same strategy applies to the first objective: banking more Motes than every other player in the match.
A more consistent approach would be to follow the second objective: don't die. That's much easier said than done, but there are a few things you can do to minimize your chances of dying:
- Don't Invade: This should be self-explanatory.
- Avoid Motes: If you have a large sum of Motes when an Invader shows up, there's a good chance you'll be the first person to die.
- Use Defensive Mods: Concussive Dampaner mods on your chest and the Well of Tenacity mod give a massive amount of damage resistance.
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Infamous: Reset your Infamy this Season.
Infamy, now known as Gambit Ranks, is the progression system tied to the Gambit playlist. As you play matches, you'll earn progress towards your next Infamy rank. When you reach 10,000 Infamy, you'll be able to reset your rank at the Drifter, setting you back to the rank of Guardian I.
Fortunately, Bungie made some tweaks to the Infamy system in Season of the Lost to make ranking up in Gambit easier. The point cap was reduced from 15,000 to 10,000, and Win Streaks were converted to Play Streaks. We cover the ranking system in more detail in our Gambit Infamy guide. But for those short on time, here's a quick summary on how to increase your Infamy quickly:
- Keep Playing Gambit: Playing consecutive Gambit matches will start a Play Streak. A x5 Play Streak grants drastically more Infamy each game, win or lose.
- Win: This is easier said than done, but winning a Gambit match grants much more Infamy than a loss—especially when you reach the rank of Mythic or Legend.
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Get Out

Get Out: Defeat 5 Invaders in Gambit this Season.
Invaders are opposing Guardians that have entered your world, attempting to kill you to deny Motes or heal the Primeval. You'll need to kill five of these Invaders.
Fortunately, the abundance of Heavy ammo has made this quite easy to do. You'll need one of three weapons:
- A Rocket Launcher (preferably Gjallarhorn)
- A Linear Fusion Rifle
- Leviathan's Breath
Rocket Launchers are fantastic for damaging Primevals and killing Invaders outright. Gjallarhorn is the most popular pick currently with its Wolfpack Rounds and two-round tube, although Linear Fusion Rifles are also a good choice if you have good aim. One headshot is all you need. If you don't own Gjallarhorn, give Truth or Sleeper Simulant a try.
Finally, if you can't aim and are fighting Invaders at long range, use Leviathan's Breath. This Bow deals immense damage, capable of one-tapping a Guardian to the body from any distance. Get in the habit of pre-charging your Bow, and you should be able to at least kill the Invader before they kill you.
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Death Heals Primeval

Death Heals Primeval: Defeat 25 Guardians as an Invader.
Defeating 25 Guardians as an Invader is much easier than it sounds. Remember: Invaders have a powerful overshield and wallhacks at their disposal when they arrive. You'll have the upper hand against any 1v1 gunfight you start or are forced into.
Try not to engage the entire enemy team at once. Splitting up a 1v4 fight into multiple 1v1 fights is preferred. You can do this by utilizing cover to block sightlines with other players. A good Super or a Heavy weapon works too.
For most players, the best strategy will be to bring a good Heavy weapon and a Sniper Rifle. Use the wallhacks to help you pre-aim with your Sniper Rifle. If enemies are out in the open, feel free to use your Heavy or a Super. A Heavy brick will spawn beside the Invasion portal when the portal is charged. Remember to grab it before you hop through the portal.
If you're struggling with entering the portal in the first place, try to get a fireteam together before you play Gambit. Being able to tell your fireteam that you'll be Invading should give you many more opportunities to Invade.
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Machine Gun Mastery

Machine Gun Mastery: Land 125 Machine Gun final blows in Gambit.
This season, you'll need to defeat 125 enemies with a Machine Gun in Gambit. Fortunately, the Machine Gun buffs this season and the prevalence of Heavy ammo in Gambit make this incredibly easy to achieve. All Machine Guns saw a 40% damage buff this season (except Xenophage, which got its fire rate unnerfed), making it easier than ever to take down majors and other tough foes.
For this Triumph, we recommend using Xenophage, Thunderlord, Chain of Command, or your favorite Machine Gun. Xenophage is fantastic once again, capable of two-tapping Guardians while ripping through Primeval Envoys. Thunderlord is an add-clearing machine that can wipe entire waves of enemies with ease. Chain of Command is a great Legendary Machine Gun that pairs nicely with grenade builds. Ultimately, use any Machine Gun you like. Be sure to use scavenger and finder mods to maximize your Machine Gun uptime.
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