Angel Dust Jokes Are Funny That Was Sad Pathetic

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Despite it being set literally in Hell, Hazbin Hotel has a ton of humor going for it. In fact, this is often considered one of Viviennie's funniest series so far.

Promotional Material

  • In the initial trailer, there's a sign that says "Welcome to Hell - Population: A fuckton."
  • One of the credits title cards for "Something Rotten" has Angel Dust storm onto the set and call out Sir Pentious's overly-specifically thematic decor.

    Angel Dust: Okay, no! This is bullshit!! What fuckin store sells snakeshaped pipe organs!?!

    Sir Pentious: IT WAS FROM A CATALOGUE!!


  • A background sign features the somewhat on-the-nose message "FUCK YOU!! HEAVEN".
  • Near the start, a new arrival ends up in hell and in his confusion thinks he's still alive. He gets hit by a car seconds later.
  • After being called a slut by his customer, Angel Dust immediately responds with a drawn-out insult. As the customer is driving away, you can hear him slowly, awkwardly trying to repeat it, as if he's trying to figure out what Angel Dust said.
  • Angel Dust watching a thief run away with his drugs, and then they're immediately crushed by a falling piece of rock.
    • Even funnier, Angel Dust is more concerned about his ruined drugs than the asshole who was crushed.

      Angel Dust: (gasp) Oh my God! (Beat) My drugs! Damn it!

    • In the background, a sign says, "We couldn't think of a pun for our shop but we sell hard drugs!"
    • Among the types of drugs the vending machine offers is "Bojack".
  • One of the Egg Bois wishing that Sir Pentious would shoot him with his ray gun.
    • And in the stinger, as Sir Pentious is crawling out of the massive crater Alastor left him in, the same Egg Boi asks if he can shoot him with his ray gun this time.
  • Sir Pentious is just so over-the-top and delightfully hammy that it's impossible not to at least chuckle at most of his dialogue.
    • This little exchange:

      Sir Pentious: Hell will be mine, and everybody will know the name of Sir P—
      Cherri Bomb: EDGELORD!!

    • He at first thinks his Egg Bois called him an "edgelord", and refers to them as "fried chicken fetuses".
  • Sir Pentious' face when he sees Cherri's bomb.
  • The Fight between Cherri Bomb and Sir Pentious gives us this gem:

    Cherri: Why don't you get that tinker toy bullshit off my turf before I smash it?! (a piece of machinery falls and crushes an Egg Boi behind her) (Beat) ...moooore~

  • Sir Pentious's response is to give her a short Bring It speech while using Air Quotes, talking out of the corner of his mouth and putting his hands on his hips while swaying his head and hips side to side like a Sassy Black Woman.
  • During their news section, when it shows a video of Sir Pentious and Cherri Bomb going at each other, Cherri Bomb grabs the Egg Boi Sir Pentious threw at her, cracks it open, put a bomb in and tossed it back at him. His face is full of deep regret as the bomb explodes when it hits.
  • Katie pouring piping hot coffee on Tom's lap after he makes a sexual crack about Cherri. What makes it even funnier is Tom's pained "not again" and Katie being annoyed and telling him to "suck it up, you little b—" after they cut to commercial.

    Katie: Looks like they're fighting tooth and nail for that hotspot!
    Trench: And I'd sure like to nail her hotspot! Ho, ho~!
    Katie: Hehe, you are a limpdick jackass, Tom! (Picks up coffee) Or should I say...(pours it directly on his lap) No dick?
    Trench: Not again...!

    • Also, the scrolling text below the newscast, which start by recapping the news story but then gets off-topic with the writer bitching about his personal problems like his failing marriage, his wife and being insulted by an orangutan they saw at the zoo.
    • In the Japanese version, since the "tooth and nail" pun doesn't make sense in the language, Katie instead uses Cherri's name as part of a pun to call Tom a "cherry boy" (virgin).
    • The picture of Sir Pentious they use during the broadcast was apparently taken during one of his attempts to be "hip". He's badly dressed to look like a teenager in a similar way Steve Buscemi's character from 30 Rock dressed as while undercover.
      • Even funnier when you realize the scrolling text under the newscast that exact moment tries to defend an Incredibly Lame Pun about how traffic is "Hella backed up" by explaining the joke as a slang term that younger people seem to enjoy using.
  • Vaggie practically begging Charlie to not sing and to stick to the script. But Charlie argues she's better at expressing herself musically and holds out a list to Vaggie saying, "The highlighted bits are the best parts~!"

    Vaggie: Uh... It's all highlighted.

  • Charlie goes over to Katie and offers to shake her hand, but Katie tells her to put it away. Even funnier is how not even three seconds later, she starts poking Charlie's chest.

    Katie: I don't touch the gays. I have standards.
    Charlie: Yeah? How's, uh... (looks at a sign that says "Hell's #1 News") How's that working out for ya?

  • Katie telling off Charlie that she wasn't here because they wanted her, but because Jeffrey note Jeffrey Dahmer, Serial Killer and cannibal couldn't make it for his cannibal cooking segment. A post-it underneath a poster says, "Who approved this show??"
    • Also Tom shaking his head in the back (clearly having heard all of this before) when Katie boasts about how she's too rich and influential to "give a flying fuck about what some tux-wearing demon princess wants to advertise."
  • Also, the sign behind Katie while she's posturing, highlighting the attractions of their news station: "Murder! Sex! Weather!"
  • When it's announced that they're live, Katie runs back to her seat at literal breakneck speed.
  • When Charlie starts talking (about how she tries to see the good in everything around her), Katie kills a bug by stabbing it with her pen and the gore splashes on Charlie's face.
  • At one point during the broadcast with Charlie, Katie Killjoy dozes off, only to be shaken awake again when Charlie pounds her fist on the table. What makes it funnier is that Katie makes a car alarm noise when waking up.
  • As Charlie walks through the crowd to announce the hotel, there's a brief Funny Background Event of an early version of Blitzo note The "O" is silent apparently checking out Charlie's ass.
  • Thinking no one understood what her plan was, Charlie prepares to start her musical number, to Vaggie's dismay.
  • A sign behind Razzle and Dazzle munching on donuts is a smoking sign that has a checkmark next to it.
    • A Freeze-Frame Bonus reveals that the sprinkles on Razzle's donut are arranged in the shape of the "Loss" meme.
  • At the beginning of Charlie's song, a glowing sign in the background reads, "Musical Logic" with an arrow pointing to the right.
  • Some of the faces Charlie makes during the song are hilarious.
  • In the midst of said song, Charlie takes half a second to take a pot-shot at her (Word of God) Sitcom Arch-Nemesis.
  • Also, during the song, Charlie runs from the "sexual deviants" and past the "boozer" causing the former to shift attention to the latter with the boozer's eyes widening as he guesses what will happen.
  • After Charlie's whole song number, only one demon (played by Maxwell Atoms, creator of The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy) pops up and initially sounds impressed but quickly proves otherwise.

    Demon: Wow... that was shit!

  • When everyone starts laughing at Charlie ,there's a cut to the studio stands with a huge sign reading "Boo Section"... and out of the whole crowd, only one guy boos halfheartedly.
  • During the battle with Sir Pentious, Angel Dust gets chained up and slammed into a sidewalk. His taunt about it... doesn't go well.

    Angel Dust: Oh, harder, daddy!

    Sir Pentious: (gasp) Son?!

    *Angel looks at him with a look of utter confusion on his face*

  • Angel lampshading Pentious's hat having an eye and wonders if it's alive or not.

    Angel: Would that make your hat the top and you the bottom?

    Egg Boi: Oooooh!

    • In the background at this moment, you can see signs saying "LOSER" and "PUSSY" pointing at Sir Pentious.
  • Sir Pentious is starting to quickly get annoyed with Angel Dust.

    Sir Pentious: I'm going to blow you to bits!!
    Angel Dust: Hmmm, kinky.
    Sir Pentious: Oh, not like that! Pervert!

  • This exchange later on during the turf war.

    Sir Pentious: Not so cocky now, are we?

    Angel Dust: You know, you really got to watch what comes out of your mouth. I-I've been making these sex jokes the whole- (The hands gripping Angel Dust pull him taut) TIME!

  • Charlie's interview has several:
    • While reading her notes, her eyes make typewriter noises.
    • Katie being passive-aggressive:

      Katie: [Giving a Slasher Smile while shivering in anger as rattlesnake noises can be heard in the background] Tell us about this new passion project you've been incessantly pestering our news station about! [She pushes the pen button with Audible Sharpness].

    • This small bit of back and forth between Trench and Katie when Charlie brings up that her first client is Angel Dust.

      Trench: The porn star?
      Katie: (Venomously while dragging her razor-sharp nails across the desk, never dropping her cheery tone) You fucking would, Tom!
      Trench: (Nervously looks away)

      • Charlie's smug smile at Tom in the background.
    • When Katie shows a live broadcast from the turf war, Charlie tries to cover it up, but since it's on a green screen, she's just in the background behind the excerpt of the footage.

      Katie and Tom: Ratings~!

  • Charlie calling Katie Killjoy a bitch. Just hearing someone as sweet as Charlie swear is hilarious.

    Yeah? Well... how does it feel that I got your pen, huh... bitch?

    • Also Tom getting the hell out of dodge the second after Charlie insults Katie.
    • When Cherri Bomb and Angel Dust are discussing whether Angel Dust will get into trouble over taking part in the turf war Angel asks what one little brawl is going to cause. Cut back to the studio; all hell's broken loose. There are alarm sirens blaring and warning lights flashing, Katie and Charlie are wrestling back and forth... and Tom has somehow been set on fire (pictured).

      Tom Trench: (on fire) WHY WON'T ANYONE HELP ME?!?!

    • The climax of the gang war/interview segment has Charlie, Katie, Angel Dust, Cherri Bomb and Sir Pentious all charging forward dramatically and screaming while Tom is still screeching like a banshee, ultimately culminating in a Mirrored Confrontation Shot... cut to Charlie, Vaggie and Angel Dust driving to the hotel in a limo.
  • Angel Dust gleefully playing with the switch for the limo divider.
  • Angel Dust trying to explain his way out of starting a turf war that ended in a territorial genocide.

    Angel Dust: Eh, you win some, you lose a few hundred. (laughs)

    • Him also adding how he didn't make them look like a joke, he just made them look "sad."

      Angel Dust: No, no, no, babe. Jokes are funny. I made you look... uh... sad! And pathetic! Like an orphan...with no arms...o-or legs. Uh... oh, with progeria! Great, now ''I'm'' bummed thinking about it!

    • Charlie throughout this whole description is grasping her hair in front of her face in terror. Her eyes widening with each of Angel Dust's words until she just hides behind her locks.
  • Angel Dust telling Vaggie not to "get [her] taco in a twist", and when she angrily asks if he was trying to be sexist or racist, he sighs and replies, "Whatever pisses you off more".
  • During the argument in the limo, when Vaggie calls Angel Dust out on calling others ugly, he says his body is flawless and has the creepy fan main to prove it before presenting a letter. Said letter is of cut-out letters spelling out "show me your feet" with a creepy photo of a guy with a green tongue licking a body pillow of Angel Dust. It's gross and hilarious at the same time.
    • Double funny if you consider that, according to Word of God, his own feet are the only body parts of his demonic form he doesn't like.
  • Once all is said and done regarding Angel Dust's actions, he just casually asks if his room at the hotel isn't free anymore. Vaggie's expression can only be described as "What the fuck do you think?"

    Angel Dust: (beat and snapping his fingers) Aww, well, shucks.

  • Alastor visiting the hotel, to Charlie's shock as she opens the door. However, she closes the door on him twice, the first time being from surprise at seeing Alastor, and the second just to check to see if he was really there.

    Alastor: Hel- (Charlie slams the door in his face, only to turn back after a split second and open it again) -lo! (slams the door in his face again)
    Alastor: (Charlie opens the door again after talking to Vaggie) May I speak now?

    • Angel Dust, looking unimpressed, casually poking his head in as Vaggie warns Alastor not to try anything funny.
  • That ominous knock Alastor made? If you listen closely, you'll find that it's a Shave And A Haircut.
  • Alastor claiming he hasn't been that entertained by something as he was by Charlie's performance since the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and gleefully notes, "so many orphans".
    • Vaggie calling Alastor a "pompous cheesy talk show shitlord".
    • The popsicle that Angel Dust is sucking on in the background is suspiciously phallic, but then again, what else would you expect in Hell?
  • The fact that, for all the creepy, cryptic buildup we got from his appearance during Charlie's musical number, Alastor not only has a much higher-pitched voice than one would've thought, but he's surprisingly perky and affable despite Charlie slamming the door on him twice, then him politely asking if she'll let him speak. And then he gently reminds Charlie and Vaggie just who they're dealing with. Brought back to Funny again from how quickly he shakes off his Game Face and goes right back to perfect gentleman on a dime (although that might just make it creepier).
  • This line:

    Alastor: I don't think there's anything left that could save such loathsome sinners. (The camera pans to Vaggie and Angel Dust sitting in the background, they send him glares that scream "Seriously? We're right here!" before the camera pans back.)

  • Angel Dust, having absolutely no idea who Alastor is, refers to him as "Smiles". Vaggie asks how he couldn't know who the Radio Demon was when he had been in Hell longer than herself. Angel Dust gives a nonchalant shrug.

    Angel Dust: Eh, not big on politics.
    Vaggie: ...Ugh.

  • When Vaggie tells the story of Alastor's infamy, she gets to the reason why most of Hell refers to him as the Radio Demon: he broadcast his horrifying murders on the air just to let others know how powerful he was... but, she does admit that the nickname itself is incredibly lazy.
    • Angel Dust, of course, doesn't care for her story and after she finishes up on why they shouldn't get involved with Alastor, Angel Dust asks if she was done.

    Angel Dust: (gesturing to Alastor) He looks like a strawberry pimp!

  • This exchange, allowing the sweet Charlie to curse:

    Charlie: Okay, so, Al, you're sketchy as fuck and you clearly see what I'm trying to do here as a joke. (Alastor begins glowing ominously when Charlie turns around and abruptly goes back to normal when she looks back.)

  • When Alastor offers to make a deal with Charlie, he extends his hand and starts glowing ominously. Charlie's reaction is to tell him they're not doing it THAT way.
  • The first interaction between Alastor and Angel Dust.

    Alastor: And what can you do, my effeminate fellow?

    Angel Dust: I can suck your dick.


    Alastor: HA! No.

    Angel Dust: (scoffs) Your loss.

    • If you pay attention, you can hear the sound of a zipper.
    • Not to mention Alastor's genuine and utter bafflement, if only for a split second.
      • Only punctuated by the sound of microphone feedback that fits his radio theme, played over an image of a shattered glass window.
    • It gets even funnier when you remember that Alastor is asexual.
  • Niffty saying there are no men in the hotel despite Angel Dust standing right there.
  • Some of the exchanges between Alastor and Husk.

    Husk: Are you shittin' me?
    Alastor: Hmmm. (Beat) No, I don't think so.
    Husk: You think I'm some kinda fuckin' clown?!
    Alastor: (Beat) Mmmaybe.

    • And during the (Beat) of that last part, Alastor makes a face that looks like he's struggling to hold back a laugh or a "yes", it just screams "You set yourself up for this one."
    • Husk gets teleported to the hotel straight out of a poker game he was about to win the whole pot of. The poker table teleports with him, money and chips included, before Alastor sends them back where they came from.

      Husk: Ha! Read 'em and weep, boys! Full hoooooooooo...the Hell? What the fuck is this?

      • When Husk is grabbed by Alastor, cards fly out of him. Of course, Husk was cheating, this is Hell after all.
  • On summoning the bar, Alastor tries to bribe Husk further into the job with a bottle simply labelled... "CHEAP BOOZE". Judging by Husk's reinforcement of the on-the-nose-ness on that label, one wonders if that's literally an alcohol brand in Hell. Even better, it works.

    Husk: What, you think you can buy me with a wink and some CHEAP BOOZE?! [Beat] ...Well, you can! [walks off, chugging]

  • The exchange between Vaggie and Angel Dust when Alastor creates a bar in the hotel.

    Vaggie: Hey, hey, hey hey hey! No! No bar, no alcohol! This is supposed to be a place that discourages sin, not some kind of...mouth... brothel... man cave!
    Angel Dust: (tackles her to the ground with a serious expression) Shut up! SHUT! UP! (Points at the bar with three hands) We are keeping this.

    • And the face she makes while saying so. You can actually see her fumbling for words.
    • If you look closely, you can see Angel Dust making puppy dog eyes at the bar before Vaggie starts talking.
      • Also, you can see Angel actually backing up out of the shot so he can tackle Vaggie properly.
  • Immediately afterwards, Angel Dust tries to flirt with a very unreceptive Husk...

    Angel Dust: Heeeey~?

    Husk: Go fuck yourself.

    Angel Dust: Only if you watch me.

  • Charlie welcoming Husk to the hotel:

    Charlie: Omigosh, welcome to the Happy Hotel! You are going to LOVE IT HERE!

    Husk: I lost the ability to love years ago. (chugs some cheap booze)

  • A few from Alastor's Villain Song.
    • The introduction has Vaggie dragged off to the rest of the group, where a few ghosts actually yell "BOO".
    • Angel just rolling with the look, snapping finger-guns at Alastor while Husk flips the bird after he pulls a feather from his eyebrows.
    • The scarf Alastor gives Vaggie is actually a dead animal, going by the X eyes. He then slaps Vaggie's ass, just to piss her off even more.
      • And since Alastor's canonically asexual, he genuinely only did it because he knew it would piss her off.
    • Just after this, he kicks a demon skull off-screen. It bounces around and lands behind him, where Niffty zips in and swiftly sweeps it up.
  • Sir Pentious interrupts Alastor's Villain Song, having tracked down Angel for payback, and notices Alastor is there. Alastor either pretends not to know him or honestly doesn't remember him.
    • In a Freeze-Frame Bonus, Alastor actually looks surprised for once when the interruption happens.
  • When Sir Pentious blows the door off its hinges, it slams into poor Niffty, with the others staring silently as she and the door go flying backwards.
    • The sound Niffty makes is hilarious. It sounds like an almost excited "WOOOO".
    • After Alastor asks of Pentious's identity, Angel looks right at the snake demon with a cheeky grin
  • After effortlessly destroying Sir Pentious's ship with a titanic creepy smile, Alastor immediately says he's starved and asks if anyone wants some jambalaya.
    • The fact that while all the others were gawking at the ship's destruction with shocked and vastly bewildered reactions, Niffty's reaction consists of a tiny, pursed smile.
    • Angel flirtatiously finger-gunning Husk.
    • Niffty adorably hopping besides Alastor as he rambles on. There's a reason Vivziepop chose Pinkie Pie as her head-canon voice.


  • Despite the overall dark tone of the video, there is a brief moment when Angel is dancing along the stage. Travis, Angel Dust's customer from the pilot, is standing next to the stage, watching Angel dance, utterly lust-struck. Without even looking, Angel kicks him in the head, knocking him out.

A Day in the After Life

  • The Running Gag of Alastor trying to greet someone, only to be cut off.
  • Black Comedy example: When Alastor waves at the women from the cannibal district, one of the women waves back using the arm of the demon they're devouring.
  • Alastor suddenly cursing has a bit of a Narm Charm to it.

Comic Dubs and Animatics

  • To test for rough animation for Hazbin Hotel, one of the animators made a gag animatic using audio from Stamper's "Breakfast with Sushi" video with Sir Pentious naturally in the role of Stamper and Husk in the role of Stamper's cat Sushi.
  • Using audio from and based on a scene from an episode of The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, a fan made a short hilarious animation featuring Lucifer chaperoning Charlie and Vaggie on their first date and being the worst.
  • The same fan who made the Lucifer chaperoning Charlie and Vaggie animation also made an animation using audio from BattleBlock Theater wherein Sir Pentious, naturally voiced by Stamper, narrates to his Egg Bois using hand puppets.
  • One of the board artists/animators for Hazbin made a fan-made animatic of Alastor cheerfully singing about how to tie a noose to the rest of the Hotel staff. Aside from the morbidly funny premise and visual images, it doubles as a Moment of Awesome as Vivizepop herself tweeted about the video and, loving it so much, declared it Canon!
  • A fan animatic by a cleanup/animator on Hazbin using audio from Stamper's "Stamper and Sprinkles" video has Sir Pentious being asked by one of his Egg Bois what day it is. The exchange leads to the Egg Boi declaring it's Scream Day and on cue, a bunch of Egg Bois (and Angel Dust) pop up and start screaming. The whole thing causes Sir Pentious to puke on an Egg Boi who apparently finds being puked on disturbingly arousing.
  • This comic dub where Alastor learns that, despite being Asexual, literally everyone in the hotel minus Vaggie (at first), wouldn't mind sleeping with him. Even with Vaggie, all it takes is (hypothetically) giving Alastor a female body.
    • Alastor seems most shocked by the fact Husk would "toss his ass like a salad," even if it would take a few drinks.

    Alastor:You'd what my what like a WHAT?!

    • And Charlie doesn't help her case by trying to tell Alastor that they'd never actually try anything on him. Alastor kinda makes a good point in response.
    • The fact that Alastor still doesn't stop smiling during the whole thing. Even when he's clearly pissed off.
  • From the same creators as the above: "You Reposted In The Wrong Hotel"
  • This hilarious fan comic dub featuring Angel running into his brother Arakniss on the street. The brothers predictably start trading increasingly vulgar insults back and forth across the street, before devolving into aggressively yelling at each other in Italian.
    • Sir Pentious and Alastor's concerned expressions make it a hundred times funnier.
  • This compilation of several comics from the Hazbin/Helluva universe, showcasing the various shenanigans the cast gets up to.
    • In one, the Hazbin Hotel staff are all having a fun karaoke night singing along to "Die Young", only for Vaggie to come bursting through the door in a rage.


    • Vox tries to get some services from Angel, but as Angel is teasing him, his shirt button pops off and cracks Vox's screen, sending Valentino into a laughing fit.
    • Vaggie talks to Charlie about how she found a disgusting food concoction in the fridge made from dead birds and anchovies, covered in chocolate sauce and tequila. As she and Charlie are speculating on who could have created such a noxious blend, Angel angrily bursts into the room demanding to know who dumped his lunch.


  • Show artist Ashley Nichols gets very embarrassed very easily, so cue shenanigans as Angel Dust, Alastor, Husk, Elsie Lovelock (Charlie's singing voice), and Vaggie all flirt with her. She at one point says she is "too gay for this"



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